We go out to Robe Lake to pick blueberries.
It's the best berry-pickin spot around, I think.
Kovai just stands next to a berry bush, picks the berries and eats them faster than we can pick them. By the end of our visit, his face is very, very blue.

Gracie usually gets most her berries in the bag......she likes to help make fresh
"blueberry nuffins". Every once in a while she'll get a tart one that makes her lips pucker.

Kyrcee is an awesome blueberry picker. Her favorite thing to do with them is make blueberry pancakes and smoothies.

We usually take the McCallister family with us when we go. They have 4 boys. There was 12 of us in Eric's Zodiak. Quite the crew I'll tell ya.
This is me, Kyrcee, and Lisa.

Kovai loves being a guy with his daddy. He loves being right up next to him no matter what Eric is doing. They're pretty good buds.
Kyrcee-our little dare-devil. She's always living on the edge....trying to see how far she can go before mom
says something.
Noah McCallister getting ready for take-off on the rope swing.

Lisa and Kye

McCallister swinging.